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group2 - 2

Jamestown, Virginia, at the end of the year 1907 – a tercentenary house welcomes new owners, a peaceful family. But the place is already occupied by lost souls which have been in confrontation for ages. The Standish cannot escape from this haunted house and will be the collateral damage of the conflict.

In Phantom, the four areas of the house – Garden, Basement, Ground Floor and First Floor – are placed in a line, with the areas divided into two sides. Each player controls Ghosts in half of the house, and he must make Spectres, Souls and other Spirits appear in front of the different areas of the house in order to frighten the Occupants before the other player. Each turn, a player can play a card – Ghost or Place – in order to increase the Scare level of his corresponding apparition; each Place card must be played in front of its corresponding area(s); for example, the Attic must be played in the First Floor,while the Stairs can be played either in the First Floor or in the Ground Floor. (Note: In Europe, the first floor is customarily the initial floor above ground level, while in the U.S. the floor at ground level is the first floor.)

build Xavier Lardy
brush Morlock
work Ludonaute